

Happy Earth Day!

Have you checked out the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)?
For the past year or so teachers at my school have been working to adjust our science curriculum to meet these standards and it has been tough!  For my team of Kindergarten teachers it has been hard to "let go" of some favorite topics and themes in order to make time to address the rigor of our new standards.  BUT, I have truly enjoyed incorporating the engineering standards!  
21st Century Students are practically crying out for more lessons that involve multiple levels of thinking and melding various topics that apply to "real-world!"
One topic that we all love to teach that has not been moved to another grade, though, is Earth Day!
NGSS-K-ESS3-3.Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.
In a couple of weeks we will dive into a unit on the 3 R's and culminate our various themes from the entire year that pertain to the Earth (ie. plants, animals, weather, and even maps/globes).  I think the topic of Earth Day appeals to primary students and teachers alike because it is a call to action that knows no limit in age.  Anyone can help care for our earth and everyone should!
Some favorite Earth Day books:
Why Should I Save Water? By Jen Green
Our House is Round By Yolanda Kondonassis
Recycle Every Day By Nancy Elizabeth Oliver
It's Earth Day By Mercer Myer
The Earth and I By Frank Asch
What Does it Mean to Be Green? By Rana DiOrio
The Lorax By Dr. Seuss
Harry Kindergarten has the best songs and videos on YouTube... His Earth Day songs are fun and catchy!

And... check out my new Earth Day freebie!

Now that I have shared it's your turn!  
Link up any and all of your favorite Earth Day blog posts, products, freebies, and pins here for the next week as we plan to celebrate our wonderful planet!


April Currently

April?!?  It's already April?!?!  
I cannot believe how fast this school year has flown by... It is true... time really does fly when you are having fun!
Take a peek at my month as I join "Oh' Boy 4th Grade" for another monthly "Currently" link-up!
 It's Spring Break in Kentucky!  I am enjoying some quality family time!
Find out how your students spent their break and get them writing as soon as you return with this fun FREEBIE!