It's amazing what putting together a solid five days of instruction can do for your mindset! We just finished a full-five-day week with no parties, no interruptions, no bad weather, and no NTI! I feel accomplished and positive and centered. So... bring on the 25th week of Kindergarten... Valentine's Week!
3 Big Goals:
Valentine's Day Theme Day and Party
Dental Health Review & Dentist Visit
Begin Accelerated Reader
Famous Words:
"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we move forward this week, we're hopeful for another 5 straight days of learning, but we have a holiday thrown in that will start the week off with a little craziness. Party days are so much more fun, when everything is planned. The tendency is to build in down time or deviate completely from the normal routine, but, over the years, I've found that this just creates more chaos. Students are excited from the moment they walk in the door and we put the party off until the end of the... which could make for a stressful day for teachers. To combat that, I start the day with an in-depth explanation of our day so that there are no surprises and so that students know what to expect. Then I work hard to stay on-schedule as much as possible. In core math we continue to forward with a more in-depth look at 3D shapes and teen numbers. We will practice the Number Bonds concept. In literacy we are pressing on with Saxon Phonics, Heggerty Phonemic Awareness, and with basic sight words. Our theme is Polar Animals.
This week we will read lots of Valentine-themed books and also include a unit on dental health that will culminate with a visit from a local dentist.
21st Century K Resources for the Week: