

The Snow Day Slump

In my experience as an interventionist I studied a lot of data and found that snow days can really have a negative impact on the progress of struggling readers.  All too often kids just sit at home on these days in front of the TV or iPad.  (Unless they have a mom like me who just made her kids turn off all technology and choose to read, write, or draw for an hour and a half... I'm so mean!) 
So, how do we keep those kids from slumping when they return?  
One way is to dive right back into a routine and schedule with lots of opportunities to read and write.  So, I've gathered some resources here for when you have those odd 2-3 day weeks mixed with wintry weather.  
Don't forget to check out my fun snow day freebie, too!

I tried to round up so tried and true as well as some new texts for this list.  
Click the titles to link to Amazon and learn more about each book.
1. Blizzard by John Rocco
2. The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
3. The Snow Globe Family by Jane O'Connor
4. Dream Snow by Eric Carle
5. The Story of Snow by Mark Cassino
6. Snow by Uri Shulevitz
7. Snow Day! by Lester L. Laminack

Check out my "Snow Day Resources" Pinterest board for lots of reading and writing ideas especially for snow days!
Enjoy a snow day FREEBIE from my TpT store, 21st Century K, too!


February Currently!

I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's edition of "currently."