

November Currently

Linking up with "Oh' Boy 4th Grade" again for a monthly
"currently" post!
*My family is starting a new tradition for Thanksgiving this year! I have created a "Blessings Tree" in our living room 
Every day this month we will each think of something for which we are thankful, write it on a leaf, and add it to our tree. 
My girls are really excited and thoughtful  about it. 
My husband likes the idea, too, but I did get a bit of an eye-roll when he saw me putting up a bulletin board in our house.
"You can take a teacher out of the classroom, but..."


  1. I absolutely LOVE the "blessing tree"! My family does something very similar to that, and I even wanted to start one with my students on Monday! There are so many things to be thankful for in our every day lives that we often take for granted. I'd love to see a picture of your family's blessing tree at the end of the month!

    Glitter and Gradebooks

  2. LOVE the blessings tree AND the bulletin board! The bulletin board cracks me up because I do that, too. You know you're a teacher when...

    ~ Candice from Innovate. Motivate. Educate.

  3. Such a great idea! I don't have any children yet, but I would love to have something like this for when I do. If I thought my fiance wouldn't think I am absolutely insane, I would do it now. lol. Have a great November!

  4. I am curious as to what blog posts you are referring to? I would be interested in reading those as well and improving my TPT store.

    Dancing Through the Days with Mrs Gadicke

    1. I'm learning lots from "Teaching Blog Traffic School." There is a one-time fee for a year of access to some really informative videos and forums on how to do everything from branding to marketing along with blogging and social media. (Follow the link on my button here.) I have also found lots of info (for free) at
      I hope this helps you, too!
