

Five for Friday
Reflecting on the week and linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for "Five for Friday!"
After a refreshing, albeit rainy, fall break we picked right back up where we left off!
At the start of the week I became an aunt for the 9th time!  Sweet baby Sawyer was born overnight on Saturday to my own baby brother and his wife.  New babies always stir my emotions... since he lives a few hundred miles away, I cannot wait to meet him and hold him!
On Monday I excitedly jumped right back into teaching my precious Kinders!  My student teacher was amazing and we all miss her so... BUT it felt good to be back in the saddle.  One sweet girl exclaimed, "But who will do calendar with us?!?"  I love starting each day with the routine of calendar math and I wouldn't do it without my monthly Smart Board calendars!
Check out this calendar on TPT!
After a week of rain and a night of storms, we stepped into the morning sunshine on Tuesday to walk to the local fire station to learn about fire safety.  One of my students' daddy is a firefighter... we had our own personal hero with us while we toured!

Somehow in the midst of the daily grind, my husband returning to his basketball coaching schedule, and my daughters' after school activities, I managed to finish report cards and schedule parent conferences.  I cannot wait to meet with my students' families and share all the progress they are making!  I am blessed with a class full of hardworking, loving, eager, and sweet children and I enjoy every day with them!
 Finally, our class News Project took a backseat this week as we worked to get back into a routine... but today I caught these images during Play and Explore Center time.  We have our anchor giving the weather report and determining it will be a great day for recess while the crew works, in their words, "behind the scenes."  This will lead in so well to our Fall unit next week on the changing weather!
Read about our Class News Project!


  1. LOVE the news anchor and weather reports - that is too cute! I also just love the things kinders say - like "who will do calendar with us?" They are too fun, I definitely come home with stories each night for my husband! We do our weather unit in January - I will have to keep getting some ideas from you!

    1. Thanks! I am working to create units and activities using the new NGSS... wow! They are rigorous!

  2. Welcome to new baby Sawyer! Congratulations on being an aunty again. One of my students has a dad who is a firefighter too. Have a great week.
    Laughter and Consistency

  3. Thanks so much! I will start working on a post!
