

October Currently

Fall Break is winding down and I'm getting back into gear for the most treacherous stretch of the school year... Halloween through Christmas! 
In my experience, students come back from Fall Break on a high that seems to continuously escalate through the holiday season. 
I quit trying to fight it years ago and decided just to jump in, hang on, and enjoy the ride with my young students. 
Shhh!  They have no idea we are still addressing Common Core targets and 21st Century Learner standards while we are having tons of fun!
To get back into the school groove after a wonderful week off, I'm linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade and sharing what I am up to... "Currently."
Grab my TREAT here!
TPT Halloween FREEBIE!


  1. Love your treat! My second graders are very artistic so they will love to draw and disguise their ghost!

  2. Thanks for the Freebie! I get what you're saying about prioritizing what to do. I have to say to myself, "I have to get this done,before I can move on!" I also count 10 things I don't want to do before doing the 1 fun, and then add kids in the mix!
    I enjoyed your October Currently!

    1. I do the same thing! I bargain with myself all the time... "Just get this bit on laundry finished and you can check Facebook." Ha! Thanks so much for your comment!
